I want to contribute

We will be very happy if you contribute to the renewal of the track, we will not be able to do it without your money. We collect the money in a separate transparent account and it will be used to restore the track.

It is a public collection according to Act 177/2001 Coll. The collection is held for an indefinite period and is approved by the Regional Office of the Ústí Region. Public collection certificate

IBAN of the transparent account:

CZ76 2010 0000 0024 0162 1624, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX


The campaign account is maintained as a transparent account. In case of contribution of funds to this account, the name of the contributor and the sent financial amount are displayed. By sending funds to this account, you express your consent to the publication of your name and the sent financial amount.

You can deduct the amount you contribute from the tax base (applies to donations of CZK 1,000 or more). It is also possible to prepare a gift contract or an advertising contract according to your wishes. Contact after your contribution to kampan@zubrnickazeleznice.cz and we will arrange the details.

Petr Toman, member of the Zubrnice Museum Railway Committee and campaign manager

What can we offer for your contribution?